Saraswati Puja Saraswati Jayanti or falls on the fifth day of bright half of month (January-February) Magh in all major Hindu calendar. Saraswati Jayanti 2011, the date is February 8, 2011, Tuesday.Saraswati Puja day is known as Basant Panchami. People use light-colored clothing or yellow as the day Basant Panchami is celebrated to welcome the Spirit Basant, ie season.In Hindu spring, Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, art and music. Maa Saraswati is the companion of Brahma. Maa Saraswati image states that it refers to wisdom, knowledge, art, creativity, research etc.Saraswati Puja 2011, known as Basant Panchami is celebrated in the nation, Tuesday, February 8, 2011.
Knowledge Saraswati, the goddess of music and art. She is the wife of Brahma. Saraswati "mother of the Vedas is considered." Name and muse "Wati" ("A Woman", which means) ("flow" of course) "Juicy" comes. Therefore, Saraswati is a symbol of knowledge, the flow (or growth) is like a river and knowledge is like a beautiful woman very attractive. Saraswati, a guardian deity of Buddhism that protection and assistance to physicians to offer the teachings of Gautama Buddha is called the name of the goddess Saraswati confirmation.The comes from the word "Saras" (meaning "flow") and " Wati "word (which means" woman "). Therefore, Maa Saraswati is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom that the flow-rate full river.
The name of the goddess Saraswati comes from the word "Saras" (meaning "flow") and "Wati" word which means "woman. Therefore, Maa Saraswati is a symbol of knowledge, wisdom and full flow of the river flow.Some parents in India, that day to guide their children to pray Saraswati, the goddess so that they can acquire wisdom, knowledge and children are told to respect and look down to everything that is related to their studies, such as books, copies, pens, pencils and other stationery too.In Buddhism, Maa Saraswati is considered a protective deity, which promotes the teaching of Gautama Buddha, is supposed to protect and assist the professional compromises.

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