Xueli Loo (Xueli) on Twitter, you know, 2011 will be a great year for me, I get nervous every day when I think about my future. 2011 seemed so impossible to achieve when I arrived at 4 1 / 2 years KINGDOM. I always wanted, Aiya, of course, my only completed in May 2011, at the time in 2006. I hope that after completing the missions in my mind, probably early next year, I see a clear path before me. Working to continue the master, take a second degree, or something extraordinary, as are my friends
All in 2011, hoping that time can run faster, so you can finish faster. But when the time comes, I chickened up. I really want to stay longer, hoping that this time, the deadline may be slowly.I hope that after completing the missions in my mind, probably early next year, I see a path clear to me. Work? To continue the master? Take a second year? Or something special, like my friendsjust thing.Ignore I tell you what others are saying.
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