Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lake shore drive chicago

Lake Shore Drive, a main artery for traffic in the Chicago area became the site of a massive traffic jam on Tuesday and Wednesday. The problems were due to the snowstorm that hit the city of Chicago, according to media reports in Wednesday.Several hundred people were trapped in the unit, ie, near Lake Michigan. City officials closed the unit in Wednesday.Residents closed the city's response to the snowstorm, so Mayor Richard Daley, Staff Director Ray Orozco problems.City apologized for the police said 900 vehicles were been stranded on the road. A count by The Associated Press counted for 1,500 cars, buses and other vehicles.

Over 400 vehicles were abandoned on the shore of the lake early morning drive through the blizzard. This leaves more than 400 people looking for their cars that were transferred to a surrogate location.There spoken among its fellow travelers in the 25-foot waves of Lake Michigan and when the bus could be implemented, but nobody knew anything, no drivers, no emergency services were called passengers and motorists not to board shivering to keep warm after firefighters pulled them out of their cars.When a group of passengers decided that it enough, and began to walk, she joined them.

I have 100 feet, everything is a shade of orange, there was snow on the face, I saw nothing, I turned around and could not see the bus and I thought he was dying, said Wednesday morning.I did a little research and found that the city of Chicago has published a list of vehicles with license plate for your website on your site. But for some reason I could not get the post to see one of my computers (a Mac or a PC with Firefox with Google Chrome). Therefore, I did the best thing, I downloaded the list in an Excel file and decided to publish in my administration blog.The Daley was criticized for failing to close early at Lake Shore Drive, given the severe storm warnings and snow forecast for some time.

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