Wes Leonard, administrative officers bin overtime win Fennville High School has the crowd to its feet and his teammates and fans quickly surrounded by his cheerful star player. An instant later, Leonard collapsed and died. He was only 16 years.Cause of death has not yet been determined.Bridgman coach Mike Miller who lost against Fennville, junior Wes Leonard said, was by far the best player on this team athlete basketball outstanding. All Bridgman, thoughts and prayers are now.It Fennville AA right was the perfect shot to end a perfect season. Then came the tragedy so unthinkable that,No, AOT seem real.
AA school star basketball player, Leonard collapsed on the ground while the platform of victory in overtime to end his team's perfect season in AA. Paramedics performed CPR on him, but was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Leonard is the second athlete to die in the same high school in 14 months, according to the Associated Press. A hunter of 14 years, died at his home in a seizure before 14 months after his participation in a school wrestling star match.The High School in Michigan collapsed after scoring the shot that won the match Died. And overtime, then 10 seconds after everything under you, anywhere
Leonard, a young man who also stood as a quarter of the Blackhawks football team, was by far the best player of the basketball athlete, coach Mike Miller, whose team lost 57-55 night.Leonard Bridge Fennville Thursday rushed to hospital nearby Holland, where paramedics performed CPR before he was declared dead. An autopsy performed Friday by the coroner in the Ottawa County showed Leonard died of cardiac arrest due to an enlarged heart.It should not have been the case, his teammate Adam Siegel said.Too young. An autopsy Friday the medical examiner's Ottawa County showed Leonard died of cardiac arrest due to an enlarged heart.

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