Friday, March 4, 2011

A level results 2011

Results of the "A" 2011 have been published, 90.8% of students have spent at least three subjects H2 and paper or general knowledge Inquiry.The JAE 2011 registration will take place over a period of 5 calendar days 15.00 on the first day of registration until 4:00 p.m. on the last day of registration.90.8 percent of 14,280 students have passed at least three subjects H2 and paper or general knowledge level results 'A' Inquiry . CGE for 2008 and 2009 were released March 6, 2009 and March 5, 2010, respectively, according to the Ministry of Education Press Releases for 2009 and 2010.

The Ministry of Education said it was the first time he has violated the figure of 90 percent since the program was revised for Lot 2006, a level students.In 2009, was 87, 9%. Red is not a prediction that 2011 GCE A-Level today announced the results of the March 4, 2011. This prediction is based on the Ministry of Education, the press release in Singapore of the past shows that the GCE A-Level results were published on March 6 and 05 March for the years 2009 and 2010 s respectively.Let wait "for good news and gives us a warm hello to students who have worked hard and was blessed.

JAE 2011, registration will take place over a period of 5 calendar days from 15:00 on the first day of registration until 4:00 p.m. on the last day of registration. The exact registration dates will be announced in the media with the announcement of the release of "O" the results of the review of the CGE. Singapore Smart enrollment is expected that the results of 'A' level GCE 2010 will be announced around March 4 to the success candidates.90.8 percent of the 14,280 2011.Conratulation students spent at least three H2 subjects and paper general knowledge and research.

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