Ins Vindhyagiri carrying members of the family of Navy personnel on board. No injuries have been like all the people were evacuated from the department ship.The to find the unusual incidents that the collision occurred in broad daylight. "The incident is very serious that naval officers are highly qualified," said an official. An investigation into the incident has been called by the Chief of navigation SB Agnihotri. Meanwhile, the vessel was brought the court and review is underway. The ship, however, suffered serious damage to your engine. The merchant ship, however, has not suffered significant damage and can be held accountable.
The ship, however, suffered serious damage to your engine. The merchant ship, however, has not suffered significant damage and can be held accountable. A Navy spokesman said in New Delhi that the INS Vindhyagiri were taken to the shipyards to assess damage after the collision with the container ship MV Nordlaks Harbour.According Mumbai last night official sources, it has been reported to casulty now. Details are in the shipyard awaited.Sources said eight fire engines were sent in the morning to extinguish the fire on the warship and now there are 16 fire trucks at work, including six oil giant , as the shipyard.
The collision occurred when the INS Vindhyagiri dayout returned after families of naval personnel on board the Nilgiri class frigate. The merchant vessel MV Nordalke had then just left the harbor, when he found himself face to face with the navyship. The ship, loaded with containers, has not suffered major damage. In addition to naval personnel, families also Vindhyagiri joint naval personnel and civilians who had come for a visit to the Sea on Sunday. INS Vindhyagiri damage that has been the victim of a crack in his helmet, was taken to the shipyards. The frigate INS Vindhyagiri enter the port after the conclusion of the day at sea and their families on board. Left or totally Nordlaks Laden containers, JNPT (Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust) in the port this afternoon.

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