Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bohemian grove

Bohemian grove,Many of us can know that we have one Bohemian Grove for the past 3 years and last year, we proposed the blog Bohemian Grove. Basically, I am confused to keep a report on two opposite sides as two separate issues can be intensely over time, depending on your philosophy.The Grove began as a playground of 160 acres, where journalists together to reduce the loose and show your wild side. In recent years, politicians and businessmen ultra-rich have joined the party, including the kickoff ceremony called The Cremation of Care ". In the modern era, 2,700 members paying $ 25,000 each to participate in 2100 acres now grounds, where security is even tighter than the CIA headquarters.

I was contacted by a History Channel program "Decoding Brad Meltzer" month, when they filmed the episode of the Bohemian Grove. After an affirmation of what little remains that was not needed for the show. Alex Jones and two friends were in a cave show: Mary Moore and Peter Phillips. Both have some knowledge approach with a grove that I have had, so I was happy with Walter decision.Old encourages bohemians instead of putting the "care" in a coffin containing an effigy of a young child. applications "nice" The fact that the child, known as care, were burned to release the club members their concerns and anxieties.

What the crew unearthed allegations of questionable practices in the woods, we'll see. Since "Brad Meltzer decryption" issues of taste as if an alien came to Earth to coach first humans and if the Statue of Liberty has strange symbols placed by a secret society of world domination, he could expect serious consideration in the tales of evil in the interest Grove.If Bohemia Bohemian Grove, see my blog recognition Bohemian Grove. Please check my statements about an "About this blog page my summary of waiting for activism Bohemian Grove.

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